
Our Conspiracy (Dark!America x Country!Reader) #7

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T for language

A couple of days later, another world meeting was held at England's place. I boarded the plane to the United Kingdom.

America and I were now engaged and are to be wed. Apparently, our bosses wanted to merge both our countries together, but America and I opposed the idea thinking that we would like to stay as our own country. We succeeded in changing their minds, however, our bosses wanted the conquering the world plan to go on and to do that we must get married. Ever since then, our wedding plans were now in order and everyone's getting busy. I think America is more excited over this than I am, even though the bride usually does. He's also been sending more gifts which I opposed because of the previously overloaded gifts he sent me couple months back. He was pretty demanding, so in the end I gave him the chance and open them and use them too. They were really nice gifts, though, but I didn't tell him that.

I looked over at the plane window only to see the window covered with clouds and water. I then looked down and see a silver diamond ringer sitting nicely around my finger. America gave me this yesterday which marks our engagement. I refused and told him he didn't need to go that far, but he insisted.

"You're doing this for the sake of the world, (c/n)," I told myself and sighed, "Just for the sake of it and nothing else."

Words spread about me and the America's engagement and I was not looking forward in entering the meeting. Everyone's going to be there and I was nervous and sort of frightened too. What if the others hate me for this? I know America has enemies so how will they respond to this? Will they get suspicious that we're both doing this just for the sake of world domination? Questions were running through my mind and unfortunately America's not with me today as he decided not to come together because he's been busy with work since yesterday. He did contact me and told me that he'll be there and told me not to worry.

I stopped in front of the meeting door outside and stood there thinking about how I should present myself to the others when I enter. Oh my God (c/n) this isn't a big deal! Just tell them that you and the American were so madly in love that you guys just wanted to get married like a normal human couple and no political reasons whatsoever. Yeah, just tell them that and they'll understand.

I pushed the door open.

What I didn't expect was that inside was already noisier than ever even before I opened the door. What was going on? Someone noticed me and told the others.

"Hey look, (c/n)'s arrived!" Denmark exclaimed and everyone turned their heads to me and rushed to my side in an instant. What surprised me was there was a combination of questioning and happy looks on their faces.

"Is this true (c/n)? You're getting married?"

"You're getting married to that stupid burger loving idiot?!"

"This is unexpected!"

"Aww, I'm so happy for you!"

"Waa! Our precious (c/n) is now taken away by that idiot! No, fair! I thought still have a chance!"

"Congratulations on your engagement, (c/n)"

I didn't even get a chance to say anything as the others were shooting me with questions and were talking at the same time, I couldn't keep up. I'm stuck right in the middle and there's no escape. I can see some stayed behind the groups and were shooting glares at me and I didn't dare look back at them again. What do I do and what should I say to them. These guys aren't even giving me a chance to speak yet alone my own personal space. I looked around the room searching for the American who was now walking with England and Canada towards the group. This is all you fault you bastard!

"Whoa, dudes! Give the dudette some space will ya?" America made his way to me and placed his hand on my shoulder and had a cheeky grin on his face.

"America, did you have to tell them that much? I thought them knowing was already enough" I whispered at him.

"But I couldn't help it, (c/n). You know how I am and I just can't keep quiet!" he said loudly and everybody heard it.

He didn't need to be so loud and my face was starting to heat up from embarrassment. This is the worst and I just want to escape from here or die in a hole right now.

"Usually, if a nation marries another, both of their countries merge but you guys didn't", said England, "This is new and has never happened before."

"I agree with Angleterre," said France, "But I love it! Ah, the power of love"

"So this is not for any political reasons, but just merely for love?" asked England.

At hearing this, America smiled at his former guardian, "Just because, we're nations doesn't mean we can't love. I want to marry (c/n) because I love her and she loves me." America smiled lovingly at me and held my hand. The others gave us aww's and some of the girls squealed, "She means the world to me and I would do anything for her to make her happy" America's eyes were sincere.

At that statement, my heart suddenly thumped and was now beating really fast. Why am I feeling like this? What he just said didn't mean anything right? It's just all an act and that we're both pretending that we're both in love. What is this feeling and why am I getting so worked up about it. I hate this bastard so why am I feeling strange.

"Amerique, that was wonderful" France was now in tears, "I-I don't know what else to say" wiping his tears away.

"You didn't need to cry frog-face" England scowled.

"Hon-hon is Angleterre jealous?" France teased, "Amerique now has a lover and has gotten it before you!"

"S-shut up you wine bastard!" England yelled and everyone laughed.

We all proceeded with the meeting and America now sits next to me. I remembered when South Korea swapped seats with America and I didn't like it. He wasn't well-behaved, but now he was. I guess, ever since I told him how I felt about this whole thing he's dragged me into, he's somehow changed and was starting to become considerate towards me. But he still likes to find time to harass me or pin me down when we're alone. But I guess I'm also starting to like this change and I wasn't as stressed as I was before and this was good for once.

The meeting ended and I was putting all the important documents back into the folder. America went ahead to talk to Canada.

"Privet, (c/n)"

I yelped in surprise and turned around to see Russia who was standing behind my chair. What is doing here and how long has he been standing there for? I got a bit tense and the Russian was smiling at me. I guess he must hate me now that I took his spot in the G8. I stood up.

"R-Russia, what a pleasant surprise" I try not to look at the Russian standing almighty in front me, "Is there something I can help you with?"

"No, (c/n) I just wanted to congratulate you on your engagement with Amerika"

"T-thank you"

"I must say, getting engaged seems a bit sudden da?"

"I'm sorry?"

"Amerika just announced your relationship with him as his girlfriend just last month and now you two are getting married."

At that statement I suddenly tensed. Russia seems to know that something was fishy going on between me and America. Oh no, he can't find out! What should I say to him? My palms were getting clammy and I was getting nervous. I can't escape from the Russian and I need to come up with an excuse.

"W-well, you know how we're b-both are. We've been together for a year, but I wanted to keep it a secret until the right time" I nervously laughed

"Oh really? Then why do I see less or no interaction of you and Amerika in meetings couple months ago if you've been together that long? Even if you do keep it a secret, doesn't mean that you two can't talk to each other da?"

"W-well, I-"

"Tell me, (c/n)" I got cut off by Russia, "What do you see in that idiot? What do you like about him?"

Russia was now pinning me down with questions that I couldn't easily answer. America can answer them easily and confidently, but I know nothing of the American. What do I like about him? All I know is what I hate about him. Russia was waiting for my answer


"This is suspicious da?" Russia smiled childishly that sent bad shivers down my spine

"(c/n)," someone patted my shoulder and I looked behind to see America, "We need to go" he was giving bad glares at the Russian. This was getting intense.

"Ah, Amerika I was just talking to your sunflower. I want to congratulate you both on your engagement" Russia beamed and America was still glaring at him.

"Well, thanks commie but (c/n) and I need to go now" America placed his hand on my shoulder protectively.

"Of course"

I walked out of the meeting room with America, "I want you to stay away from Russia" America warned sharply, "I don't trust that bastard."

I didn't say anything, instead Russia's statement still wonders in my head. Should I tell America about Russia? I was getting scared that someone's going to find out about this fake marriage.

"Did he say anything to you?" America asked curiously.

"No, he just congratulated me" I lied.

We're both went to the cafeteria downstairs to get lunch.

"That was a good act" I quietly complimented the American who was eating his burger.

"Of course! We need to make it believable or they'll notice"

"Why do we even have to do this? I think staying as allies is enough" I groaned

"Are you still against this, (c/n)? Face it, we can't change their minds so we have no choice" America put down his burger and looked at me.

I dropped my shoulders and sighed, "I know."

"Everyone's busy with the preparations for the wedding so at least show some appreciation will you?" America's tone became serious, "No one knows this besides our bosses and Martin so try act convincing or the others will notice. You were a disappointment at the meeting you know that? All you did was just stand there, at least try act like we're lovers"

I can tell that America was mad at me, but I just can't act like he wants me to because it's too hard, "I do try you know" I said quietly and I looked down and I was fidgeting with my fingers, "I'm just not used it"

"Well try harder or all our plans will be ruined" America's raised his voice and I just sat there quietly. I don't like this and this was so hard. I can't act like he wants me to and I'm starting to regret all of this now.

"Anyway, I need to go now and finish work", America stood up from his chair, "You can get back on your own right?"

"Yeah," I was still looking at my lap and sighed.

"(c/n), look at me" America went over to my chair and pulled my chin so my face was facing his, "I know this is hard, but we need to work together or it just won't work", his face softened, "I'm sorry for what I said earlier"

My heart thumped at his apology, "I-it's fine, it's my fault for not trying hard" I forced a smile at him and America smiled back.

"Good" he kissed my forehead, "Well, I'll see you later," and he left.

AN: Thank you for reading and please review! I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Okay, this wasn't a very long chapter but I wanted to write about the other nation's reactions about (c/n) and America.

The wedding will be on the next chapter which I'll update soon ^.^

Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes -_-

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Hetalia – it belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya sensei!

© 2015 - 2024 RayaGogi
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Alliecat929's avatar
Please send me the link to the next one I'm really liking the story so far